Swapping numbers

Swapping numbers means exchanging the values between two or more variables. In this program, we are going to see how we can swap two user-given number with the help of one temporary variable.


  1. Assign variable a’s value to variable temp, so now the temp is holding a’s original value.
  2. Assign b’s value to a.
  3. Assign temp’s (holding a) value to b.


# Take input from user
a = int(input("Enter number a : "))
b = int(input("\nEnter number b : "))

print("\nBefore swapping a = " + str(a) + " b = " + str(b))

# Swapping number
temp = a
a = b
b = temp

print("After swapping a = " + str(a) + " b = " + str(b))


Enter number a : 10
Enter number b : 200
Before swapping a = 10 b = 200
After swapping a = 200 b = 10