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C++ program to find ASCII value of a character
ASCII Value ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is the character encoding standard of…

March 13, 2019

C++ program to calculate compound interest
Compound Interest Compound interest (or compounding interest) is the interest calculated on the principal, including…

March 13, 2019

C++ program to calculate simple interest
Simple interest Simple interest is a simple way to calculate the interest on a loan.…

March 13, 2019

C++ program to calculate area of a circle
Area of a circle The area of a circle is the number of square units…

March 13, 2019

C++ swap two numbers without temporary variable
Swapping numbers Swapping numbers means exchanging the values between two or more variables. In this…

March 13, 2019

C++ swap two numbers using temporary variable
Swapping numbers Swapping numbers means exchanging the values between two or more variables. In this…

March 13, 2019

C++ addition of two user given numbers
This is an example program that demonstrates how you can perform the addition of two…

March 13, 2019

C++ basic input output string
Input output string To read string input from the user getline method can be used…

March 13, 2019

C++ basic input output Integer
Input output integer Unlike C language C++ does not require to specify the type of…

March 13, 2019

C++ program to print to console
Output in C++ The standard C++ library iostream provides three built-in ways to print into…

March 12, 2019